FEDERATION Open Space Makers


Our vision : Open space for everyone 

Our mission is to lead the way to an open space ecosystem, 

while giving every citizen agency and access to knowledge and know-how necessary to participate in the process of creating our future world. We believe that the necessary knowledge and hardware can be developed and produced collaboratively, openly and responsibly.


The Charter

A frame for the open source space hardware manufacturing projects

The "Federation" charter fomalizes the commitments taken by Open Space Makers association to answer its objectives and the rules that shall be abbided by the contributors willing to be part of "federation". 
It covers all the project lifecycle and formalizes the main principles enabling to participate to or create one or several projects, to put at disposal ressources, and contribute to the creation, sharing or diffusion of the know-how and knowledge.

This Charter is built on the principles and key values of federation: collaborating, inclusion, open, sustainability, responsibility, benevolence.



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La vision du projet Phoenix

Un projet de cloud computing orbital semble très ambitieux pour une association de passionnés ? L'équipe Phoenix prouve le contraire.

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La vision du projet Phoenix
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Thematic groups

Cercle Communication

Cercle Communication

Gestion de la communication externe de Fédération : alimenter les comptes réseaux sociaux, organiser la participation à des évènements, gérer les relations presses, gérer l’alimentation …

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Cercle Plateforme

Cercle Plateforme

Ce cercle est dédié aux activités relatives au développement du site web de Fédération, ainsi qu'à son suivi opérationnel.

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Le think-tank associé aux projets.

  • Définit les modalités de mise en place et de support aux projets
  • Valide la création des nouveaux projets
  • Apporte une …
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