SEE - Electrical Stage Separator

SEE - Electrical Stage Separator

Design of a stage separator for rockets which doesn't use any firework.

SEE - Electrical Stage Separator
Deutsch English Español Français Italiano


To design a reusable system for stage separation using an electrical device.



A "SEE" is the french designation for Séparateur d'Etage Electrique - Electrical Stage Separator, ESS in english. The team has already issued four models since the beginning.

V0 : Initial and first design.

V1 : is V0 with less balls. It has been tested in flight twice in 2019 and 2021.

V2 : review of the mecanism to move the balls

V3 : is bigger, more energy stored, integration and electronic control reviewed.

Design in progress

Each test brings a lot of data and experience which are analysed. The issued improvements are validated and we start a new test model. 

The SEE is developped in order to fit the customer rocket and the mission. The only thing which doesn't change is the mecanical design. The parameters we moved are:

  • the outer diameter
  • the stored energy

We want this module to be easy to integrate in a rocket ship:

  • simple eletcronic
  • easy settings
  • soft mecanical assembly 

The following issue in progress are:

  • change the motor technology to a stepper motor
  • increase the stifness
  • electronic card upgrade with I2C protocole

Come with us!

What to do?

We have some ideas to develop as you saw previously.

Which skills ?

CAD (fusion 360 or other) - Structure calculation - Electronics

Please contact a Senior member to discuss an opportinity to work together. See you soon !
